
Module Contents



As described above, the VariableComponent VariableFeature class


build_variable_feature(identity[, type_uri])

Used by Document to construct a VariableFeature when reading an SBOL file.

class VariableFeature(cardinality: str, variable: Identified | str, *, variants: List[Identified | str] = None, variant_collections: Identified | str | List[Identified | str] = None, variant_derivations: List[Identified | str] = None, variant_measures: List[Identified | str] = None, name: str = None, description: str = None, derived_from: List[str] = None, generated_by: List[str] = None, measures: List[SBOLObject] = None, identity: str = None, type_uri: str = SBOL_VARIABLE_FEATURE)

Bases: Identified

As described above, the VariableComponent VariableFeature class specifies a variable and set of values that will replace one of the SubComponent Feature objects in the template of a CombinatorialDerivation. The variable is specified by the variable property, and the set of values is defined by the union of Component objects referred to by the variant, variantCollection, and variantDerivation properties.

accept(visitor: Any) Any

Invokes visit_variable_feature on visitor with self as the only argument.


visitor (Any) – The visitor instance


AttributeError – If visitor lacks a visit_variable_feature method


Whatever visitor.visit_variable_feature returns

Return type:


validate(report: ValidationReport = None) ValidationReport
build_variable_feature(identity: str, type_uri: str = SBOL_VARIABLE_FEATURE)

Used by Document to construct a VariableFeature when reading an SBOL file.