
Module Contents



The purpose of the Model class is to serve as a placeholder for an


build_model(identity[, type_uri])

Used by Document to construct a Range when reading an SBOL file.

class Model(identity: str, source: str, language: str, framework: str, *, namespace: str = None, attachments: List[str] = None, name: str = None, description: str = None, derived_from: List[str] = None, generated_by: List[str] = None, measures: List[SBOLObject] = None, type_uri: str = SBOL_MODEL)

Bases: TopLevel

The purpose of the Model class is to serve as a placeholder for an external computational model and provide additional meta-data to enable better reasoning about the contents of this model. In this way, there is minimal duplication of standardization efforts and users of SBOL can elaborate descriptions of Component function in the language of their choice.

accept(visitor: Any) Any

Invokes visit_model on visitor with self as the only argument.


visitor (Any) – The visitor instance


AttributeError – If visitor lacks a visit_model method


Whatever visitor.visit_model returns

Return type:


validate(report: ValidationReport = None) ValidationReport
build_model(identity: str, type_uri: str = SBOL_MODEL)

Used by Document to construct a Range when reading an SBOL file.