
Module Contents




TopLevel is an abstract class that is extended by any Identified

class CustomIdentified(type_uri: str = None, *, name: str = None, description: str = None, derived_from: List[str] = None, generated_by: List[str] = None, measures: List[sbol3.SBOLObject] = None, identity: str = None, sbol_type_uri: str = SBOL_IDENTIFIED)

Bases: sbol3.Identified

validate(report: ValidationReport = None) ValidationReport
class CustomTopLevel(identity: str = None, type_uri: str = None, *, namespace: str = None, attachments: List[str] = None, name: str = None, description: str = None, derived_from: List[str] = None, generated_by: List[str] = None, measures: List[sbol3.SBOLObject] = None, sbol_type_uri: str = SBOL_TOP_LEVEL)

Bases: sbol3.TopLevel

TopLevel is an abstract class that is extended by any Identified class that can be found at the top level of an SBOL document or file. In other words, TopLevel objects are not nested inside any other object via composite aggregation. Instead of nesting, composite TopLevel objects refer to subordinate TopLevel objects by their URIs using shared aggregation.

validate(report: ValidationReport = None) ValidationReport