
Module Contents



The purpose of the om:BinaryPrefix class is to describe standard


As adopted by SBOL, om:Prefix is an abstract class that is extended


The purpose of the om:SIPrefix class is to describe standard SI


build_binary_prefix(→ SBOLObject)

build_si_prefix(→ SBOLObject)

class BinaryPrefix(identity: str, symbol: str, label: str, factor: float, *, alternative_symbols: List[str] = None, alternative_labels: List[str] = None, comment: str = None, long_comment: str = None, namespace: str = None, attachments: List[str] = None, name: str = None, description: str = None, derived_from: List[str] = None, generated_by: List[str] = None, measures: List[SBOLObject] = None, type_uri: str = OM_BINARY_PREFIX)

Bases: Prefix

The purpose of the om:BinaryPrefix class is to describe standard binary prefixes such as “kibi,” “mebi,” “gibi,” etc. These prefixes commonly precede units of information such as “bit” and “byte.”

accept(visitor: Any) Any

Invokes visit_binary_prefix on visitor with self as the only argument.


visitor (Any) – The visitor instance


AttributeError – If visitor lacks a visit_binary_prefix method


Whatever visitor.visit_binary_prefix returns

Return type


class Prefix(identity: str, symbol: str, label: str, factor: float, type_uri: str, *, alternative_symbols: List[str] = None, alternative_labels: List[str] = None, comment: str = None, long_comment: str = None, namespace: str = None, attachments: List[str] = None, name: str = None, description: str = None, derived_from: List[str] = None, generated_by: List[str] = None, measures: List[SBOLObject] = None)

Bases: CustomTopLevel, abc.ABC

As adopted by SBOL, om:Prefix is an abstract class that is extended by other classes to describe factors that are commonly represented by standard unit prefixes. For example, the factor 10**−3 is represented by the standard unit prefix “milli”.

See Appendix A Section A.2 of the SBOL 3.0 specificiation.

validate(report: ValidationReport = None) ValidationReport
class SIPrefix(identity: str, symbol: str, label: str, factor: float, *, alternative_symbols: List[str] = None, alternative_labels: List[str] = None, comment: str = None, long_comment: str = None, namespace: str = None, attachments: List[str] = None, name: str = None, description: str = None, derived_from: List[str] = None, generated_by: List[str] = None, measures: List[SBOLObject] = None, type_uri: str = OM_SI_PREFIX)

Bases: Prefix

The purpose of the om:SIPrefix class is to describe standard SI prefixes such as “milli,” “centi,” “kilo,” etc.

accept(visitor: Any) Any

Invokes visit_si_prefix on visitor with self as the only argument.


visitor (Any) – The visitor instance


AttributeError – If visitor lacks a visit_si_prefix method


Whatever visitor.visit_si_prefix returns

Return type


build_binary_prefix(identity: str, *, type_uri: str = OM_BINARY_PREFIX) SBOLObject
build_si_prefix(identity: str, *, type_uri: str = OM_SI_PREFIX) SBOLObject